Why should I use social media?

It’s the cheapest, most dynamic way to get your message to a very large scale of people in a very small amount of time.

What social platforms should I use?

We prefer Facebook and Instagram, however, there are other platforms out there that we are willing to give a shot.

How often should I post?

At least a few times a week, if you want to keep your business in the know of your potential clients. You should also respond to those posts when people are commenting on questions or concerns.

How often should I post non-self promotional content?

This is up to you, but remember, the more a client can relate to you the more likely they will purchase from you over the other guy.

What's the difference between an ad and a post on social?

A post is just general information that anyone can input at any time. An Ad is a paid post that reaches a targeted audience within the platform.

What are promoted or boosted social posts and how do you do them?

Promoted Ads are one that the client would pay for. We like to do most of our SMM organically *the free stuff*. We will do paid advertising if requested.

How much should I be spending on social media marketing?

This is really up to you, what you prefer, how much you want your ads to be seen and on what platforms.